"Original Blushing Beauty Profile" by Peter Max
Acrylic Painting on Canvas
24" x 30” (approx. 27" x 33" with the painted borders)
38” x 44"
Acrylic Painting on CANVAS titled, "Original Blushing Beauty Profile". Max has signed this work in the upper right, and, this is by far one of the nicest Peter Max originals that we have ever been able to offer for sale... The Max Studios reference number is MAX 28 (Painted by Peter Max in 1986). The artwork is an Authentic Peter Max Painting on Canvas and comes with a Gallery Letter of Authenticity, and, is elaborately custom framed. Again, this Incredible work is Truly a Statement Piece, and, it is being offered for Thousands less than the current retail with the Submit Best Offer Option.. This painting measures 24" x 30” (approx. 27" x 33" with the painted borders), and, is elaborately custom framed. The framed dimensions are approx. 38” x 44".