"The Original Neo Man" by Peter Max
Acrylic Painting on Paper
50" x 38" (approx. 53" x 41" with the painted borders)
65” x 53"
Acrylic Painting on paper titled, "The Original Neo Man". This is truly an incredible work of art, and, it looks amazing in person. It is by far one of the Nicest and Largest original Peter Max paintings we have ever been able to offer for sale. The painting is hand signed in the upper right corner, and, comes with the hand painted borders and has remained in excellent condition since it was created. The artwork is guaranteed authentic, and comes with a Gallery Letter of Authenticity. It was originally purchased from Peter Max Studios, and, the Max Studios Archival Reference Number is 14849 (Painted by Peter Max in 1993). This painting is large and measures approx. 50" x 38" (approx. 53" x 41" with the painted borders), and, is in an elaborate, custom frame that is very sleek in nature. The framed dimensions are approx. 65” x 53".