"God Bless America" by Peter Max
Mixed Media Acrylic Painting
24" x 18” (27" x 21" with the painted borders)
40” x 34"
Original Mixed Media Peter Max Painting titled "GOD BLESS AMERICA” with a Max Studios Reference Number 140922 (Painted in 2005) (This is not considered a lithograph (It is not a numbered piece), it is considered an original one of a kind mixed media painting with acrylic and collage on heavy art paper). The artwork is an Authentic Peter Max and comes with a Gallery Letter of Authenticity, and, is elaborately custom framed. This piece is also being offered well under the retail value with the submit best offer option. This painting measures 24" x 18” (27" x 21" with the painted borders), and, is elaborately custom framed under UV-Plexi. The framed dimensions are approx. 40” x 34".