"Original Congratulations to the Winning Bid" by Charles Fazzino
Original Ink & Acrylic Painting on paper
25" x 14"
36" x 25"
Ink and Acrylic painting titled, "Original Congratulations to the Winning Bid", that depicts the grand architecture of New York. As you can see from this painting it incorporates Fazzino's realm of genius, is hand signed, and has remained in excellent condition since it was created in 2006. Also, it is guaranteed authentic, comes with a Gallery Letter of Authentic, and is being offered for sale with the submit best offer option so it likely to sell before the end of this listing. It has been archival matted to approximately 25" x 14", and, is in an elaborate, custom frame that is very complimentary in nature. The high-quality frame's dimensions are approx. 36” x 25".