"Original Peasant Girl with Red Pony" by David Burliuk
Oil on Board
4" x 8 3/4"
12 1/4" x 17 1/4"
Original Oil painting on board titled, "Original Peasant Girl with Red Pony" that is saturated with color and detail. Once again, this hand signed painting, is guaranteed authentic, comes with a Letter of Authenticity and has remained in excellent condition since it was created circa 1960. Yet, we have listed it here with the Submit Best Offer Option and thus will likely be sold before this listing ends. Do not wait too long and miss your opportunity from this Master of Modern Art. The custom, high quality custom frame made specifically for this piece is a perfect accent to this gorgeous painting which is even better in person, and without any flaws to report. The original artwork measures approximately 4" x 8 3/4", with framed dimensions approx. 12 1/4" x 17 1/4".