"The Legend of Don Quixote" by Byron Browne
Gouache Painting on Board
26" x 20"
36" x 30"
Original and Detailed Painting, "The Legend of Don Quixote", from his series of Mythological Portraits. Worth mentioning again is the fact that Browne is widely regarded as one of the greatest artists ever, and a master of Romantic/Portrait Modernism. Thus his artworks sell at 10s - 100s of thousands at galleries around the world. But, this is your chance to own a piece at a much cheaper price. This piece is an ORIGINAL, HAND SIGNED Gouache and Watercolor painting on Art Board that showcases Browne's full realm of genius, including color, technique and detail. The incredible artwork is guaranteed authentic, and accompanying the purchase, the buyer shall receive a Gallery letter of authenticity. It measures an impressive 26" x 20" and is complimented by a museum quality, frame with approximate dimensions of 36 x 30".